Sunday 12 May 2013

Personalities - Theo

Theo and Bailey are two very different cats. Sometimes it's hard to believe that they are brothers from the same litter they're that different.

So lets start with Theo.

I decided to call him Theo for several reasons. Firstly because I considered it short for Theodorable. I know, cheesy, but he's just so cute! The second reason is that Theodore often gets shortened to Teddy and I thought that to be perfect because he does have a teddy bear face.

To match his teddy bear face is his personality. He's such a big softy; a gentle giant. He was the first born of the litter and from what I've heard about the other kittens from the litter, he is taking after his dad more in how big he's getting. I'll try and photograph Theo and Bailey side by side (easier said than done) so that you can see the difference.

He is cuddles and food orientated. He does like to play but prefers to eat and sleep on my lap more. That is unless I throw the Christmas bauble across the floor and then he goes a bit mental chasing it around everywhere. Well, until he gets it stuck under the sofa, behind the TV, to the side of the book case etc. and I have to get it out for him. He's not the cleverest cat in the world bless him.

He also likes to have play integrated into eating. So kibbles are put in little balls he pushes around the floor so that a couple fall out every now and then. Theo prefers playing catch or chase with kibbles though. If I throw a kibble sort of over him, he'll reach up and try and catch it either in his paws or in his mouth! He started off very bad at this and ended up knocking them everywhere or missing completely and having to chase after them (in much the same crazy fashion he chases the bauble). But he's actually quite good at catching now and doesn't have to chase many. Which also means I don't find as many kibbles randomly left across the floor too!

For all his size though, Theo is a big fraidy cat. He jumps at a lot of stuff and tends to hide away around new people. He has been better recently. When I had a few friends over he hid for a bit but came out for treats and didn't hide away again. But he didn't approach and play with my friends much and either walked around very cautiously.

I'm hoping with time he grows out of this and warms to new people quicker but I'll just have to see how he does when people come to visit. Maybe he'll warm to the people who come round over time and be fine around them and only panic when someone brand new comes over.

Either way, at least I'll know that I can coax him out with kibbles and treats!

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