Thursday 6 June 2013

Personalities - Bailey

So the first thing to say about Bailey is that he is a bugger. Bailey is a complete and utter bugger and I'm sure this is photo sums up what he thinks of that:

He is completely obsessed with playing and loves to explore. He has a really inquisitive mind and loves it when something new comes in to the flat. It could be a new cardboard box - the same as all other cardboard boxes but just a new one - or some shopping or a letter. Anything. If it's new, he'll want to sniff it, bite it, try and play with it and, if possible, hide in it or shred it. Preferably the latter.

New toys are definitely the best!

Bailey is also really fussy though. Well, I'm not sure whether he's fussy or is just that not bothered by food that he'll only eat stuff he really fancies at the time. He's definitely the slimmer of the two cats but I think his obsession with playing keeps him very active and burning energy.

He's quite fussy with play too. Bailey loves to hunt. While Theo will quite happily entertain himself by throwing a toy mouse around or chase a ball, Bailey prefers someone to be moving a toy that he can hunt. His favourite toy being some feathers attached to a stick. This was a toy here when he arrived on day 1 and I have to keep replacing them as they snap (when jousted into a wall) or when all the feathers have fallen out. I've never seen a cat so excited by feathers on a stick! And if you think you can throw it away because you're done playing, think again.

He'll just bring it straight back.

AND if you don't play when he puts it at your feet he'll nudge you first, then he'll meow and then he'll pick it up again and jump on you! No avoiding play!

He even snook into the the bedroom where I hid them once and brought back one each for me and Rich!

We're having troubles with him at the moment because he won't let us sleep. While this started off quite funny, it's becoming a real pain now and I am utterly exhausted.

He thinks it's OK to jump at our bedroom door handle to try and open the door whilst meowing at 2:30am, 4am, 5am... Pick any unreasonable time in the morning and he could be doing this for his second or third time to try and wake us up so he can have attention and play.

We've tried spraying him with water, hissing and shouting and have even resorted to locking him in the travel carrier at later times in the morning (from about 4:30am onwards so as not to leave him locked up too long) to teach him he shouldn't be doing it but he just doesn't stop! It's been going on for weeks now! If anyone has any ideas on how to stop him I would be very grateful.

So there you go. Bailey the bugger. Inquisitive, playful and very very demanding!

Oh and a lover of the sun. I'm loving the sunny weather at the moment because it keeps him quiet and sleepy while he stretches out in the sun coming through the window. As soon as it moves around far enough to come through our window, he'll locate the sliver of sun on the floor and will lie in it. Ah the peace!

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